Womens Ensemble resized

The Round Rock Community Choir's Bella Voce was born out of a vision to showcase the beauty of female voices. The ensemble fosters musical growth and collaboration among its members while providing a place to feature women's choral music and support women composers. Bella Voce appears within the choir's concerts as well as a stand-alone group in the community. 

2023-2024 Women's Ensemble Members


Dana Allen
Natlie Bryan
Suman Casey
Tina D'Sousa
Amy Epperson
Jill Haehnel
Liz Howell
Mary Jensen
Kristen Kunz
Tamara Porras
Dina Robison
Katrina Scully
Rachael Ybarra


Cynthia Austin
Mindy Boulton
Lois Cromwell
Vivan Ferchill
Doris Finley
Heather Jurgenson
Terrah Kelso
Jagjit Khalsa
Jennifer Kisel
Tina Seminerio
Peggy Simmons
Lizzette Villareal